Behavior Policies

Behavior Policies

Our customer support team strives to resolve issues as quickly as possible. Every member of our team will try to help with any queries.

Our customers have the right to be heard, understood and respected. However, in some cases, our support team may have difficulty resolving certain requests.

We know dealing with payment issues can be stressful and we want to hear our customers' concerns. However, if this frustration becomes aggressive, threatening or demeaning towards our team, we do not consider this behavior acceptable and may deny you additional services.

Everyone has the right to feel safe at work and Kryptobox is no exception.

Kryptobox chooses to protect our team and say no to abuse. We strive to provide the best support, but when a customer abuses our team with abusive or threatening language, we reserve the right to terminate the business relationship with that same customer.

Thank you for understanding our need to create a respectful and safe workplace. We are happy to help our customers get the most out of our Kryptobox platform, but the right to such support is to expect considerate behavior and communication. 

Please feel free to contact us for more information or clarification on this policy.

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