To further increase our community, we offer the KRYPTOBOX ICO REFERRAL PROGRAM. It is a one-reference program that provides a high level of income throughout Kryptobox's ICO campaign.

Once you've registered, you'll receive a unique ID number and personal link that you can start sharing, posting to social networks, and sending through multiple messaging apps.




Here are ideas and resources available in your personal area to promote your personal link.

Multimedia Library - A set of banners and other marketing materials that you can put on web pages, social networks or other websites.

Social networks - Actively use social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and Vkontakte to create tweets and posts in numerous groups, channels and pages.

Your websites and blogs - Place banners, interesting articles embedded with your referral link on your personal websites and blogs.

Forums - Exposure in forums with the necessary target audience proved to be one of the most effective forms of advertising. Share your views, insights and personal link.

Email lists - Send email campaigns that include your personal link to your subscriber list.

Messengers - Send messages to your network through popular Messengers like What's App, Viber or Telegram.

YouTube - Create interesting videos or podcasts and promote them on YouTube with your referral link attached.

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