Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Policy (PLD/FT)

Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Policy (PLD/FT)

The Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Policy (PLD/FT) is a set of guidelines and procedures that aims to mitigate the risks associated with money laundering and terrorist financing.

The main PLD/FT guidelines:
1. Respect current legislation:
Maintain strict compliance with legislation related to the subject.
2. Best market practices.
Observe and adopt, when applicable, best market practices.
3. Care for the exchange’s image:
Ensure that the exchange fulfills its role in society.
4. Risk Mitigation:
Reduce the risk of products being used in money laundering and terrorist financing.
5. Risk stratification:
Evaluate and classify customers, employees, partners, transactions, products and services at appropriate levels.
6. Employee training:
All employees must receive training in PLD/FT.
7. Communication to COAF:
Report suspicious transactions or situations to the Financial Activities Control Council (COAF).
8. Reporting channels:
Maintain exclusive channels to receive ML/FT complaints, preserving the identity of the complainants.
9. Policy Update:
Update the policy at most every two years.
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