Safety Measurements

Safety Measurements

To ensure the security of your cryptocurrency, you can take the following measures:

  • Prevent cryptojacking on your computer: go to Settings > Block ads > Manage Lists and check the NoCoin (Cryptocurrency Mining Protection) option. Read more about cryptojacking.
  • Receive cryptocurrency from a sender: To receive cryptocurrency from a sender, you need to share your wallet address with them. On the side panel of your Cryptocurrency Wallet, click Copy Address and paste it into the send/receive form. Read more about the Cryptocurrency Wallet.
  • In case you lose your phone: It is extremely important that you securely store your wallet's 12-word backup phrase immediately after setting it up, as this will allow you to recover it if you lose access to your device. You can then use a new device and restore your wallet there using the backup phrase. Keep in mind that this backup phrase can be used to restore your wallet in other software as well.
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