Trading Requirements

Trading Requirements

Let's delve into some important aspects related to trading requirements and common errors:

Trading Requirements:
   - Cost Minimum for Trading: Some exchanges impose a minimum cost for executing trades. Ensure you're aware of any such requirements on the platform you use.
   - Minimum Order Size (Volume) for Trading: Certain assets may have a minimum order size. Be mindful of this when placing trades.
   - Maximum Number of Open Orders: Some exchanges limit the number of simultaneous open orders. Check the exchange's guidelines.
   - Partially Filled Orders Due to "Out of Funds: If your account lacks sufficient funds, orders may be partially filled. Keep an eye on your available balance.
   - Self Trading Prevention: Exchanges like Kraken prevent customers from filling their own orders (simultaneously acting as both maker and taker for the same trade).
   - Price Decimal Precision: Understand the decimal precision for price quotes. Different assets may have varying levels of precision.
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