What is Email Verification?

What is Email Verification?

Email verification is a crucial process for confirming the validity and deliverability of an email address. In the context of email marketing, it is essential to ensure that email addresses collected on sign-up forms or used in mailing lists are valid and capable of receiving messages. Let's explore what email verification is, why it's important, and how it works.

What is Email Verification?

Email verification involves confirming the validity and deliverability of an email address. It is accomplished through several steps, including:

1. Syntax Check: Ensures the email address format is correct.
2. Domain check: Confirms that the domain associated with the email is valid.
3. MX record check: Checks the email exchange (MX) records of the domain.
4. Disposable email detection: Identifies temporary or disposable emails.
5. SMTP Tests: Simulates sending a message to the email server to check deliverability.

Why is Email Verification Important?

1. Maintaining Updated Lists: Annually, about 22.5% of email addresses become invalid due to job changes or other reasons. Regularly checking email lists helps keep your bounce rate low and preserves your sender reputation.
2. Reducing Bounces: Bounces occur when an email cannot be delivered successfully. Minimizing bounces is key to maintaining a good sender reputation.
3. Sender Reputation Protection: A good sender reputation increases the likelihood of successful delivery of messages.

In summary, email verification is a critical step to ensure your email campaigns reach the correct recipients and maintain a good sending reputation
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